An interview with Douglas Arias after winning as Mr. Macho Gay 2012!

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Up Close and Personal : Douglas Arias!

Here's an interesting interview of the reigning Mister Macho Gay 2012 and i found out a secret about his love life and more. He shares some of his principles and three quotes that guided his life:

"Never do anything for anyone or anything thing, without love."~Friend
"What makes the difference between a man and woman? It isn't their sexuality... When a real man speaks, everyone listens."~My mother
"The greatest gift I believe God has given us is the ability to love. Love gives us strength like His Passion, strength for others and to ourselves. Love gives us the strength to stand up once again and face our dark oceans." ~ MMG winner 2012 (Douglas Arias)

OMG:  What is LGBT all about?

Douglas:  LGBT or "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender"  is about a community that has shared many struggles and forms or prejudice because of our sexual preference, even at the cost of being exiled from our families because we chose our happiness over deceit. It is a community that is slowly beginning to stand together and becoming one voice that needs to be heard.

OMG:  Please tell me more about your MMG family.

Douglas:  My MMG family is made up of many people that come from different strife in their lives. I have been blessed enough to have heard their stories and listened to them. To truly listen to someone and hear their experiences are a treasure I can hold in my heart. I have gotten to know them in a personal level and I care for them in different ways. They became a second family to me. Shout out to my brothers and sisters at MMG!

OMG:  What did you do the next  day after winning?
Douglas:  The next day after winning the pageant, I spent it with my roommates and lover. I could see the joy in their eyes on my victory and shared my moment with me as I told them over and over the feelings and excitement of the whole night behind the curtains, later that night I spent it with my MMG family who also appreciated me and congratulated my victory. And found out a secret I was unsure about my love life,  Family, friends and my lovers have wondered what makes me who I am. Why I act, talk, carry and open up how I do.

OMG:  Why being "out" is a nice thing to do?

Douglas:  Being "out" isn't a nice thing to do, but it actually is something liberating. Its an amazing feeling to know you no longer have to lie to the person who knows YOU best. That person is you, at the end of the day you have to love yourself and be happy with you in order to let others "in" your life.

OMG:  Can you talk about your love life?

Douglas:   My love life is complicated, it is a secret to most and those that know can sometimes see my conflict. Do I love? yes but there is more to love if the person stands with you day by day, and is willing to see you through the hard times of your life not far away but next to you. To show you their warmth and turn around and abandon that feeling for words, that is deceit.

OMG:  The last time you said "I Love You"

Douglas:  The last time I said I love you was last night, it isn't a word I usually throw around because it means something to me. Same as the word friend.

OMG: When was your last splurge?

Douglas:  My last splurge..? I would have to say everyday, there is always something that someone ones wants whether small or big but you still treat yourself to it. 

OMG:  When was the last time you cooked?

Douglas:  The last time I cooked was at a friends house, she was teaching me how to do Filipino recipes.

OMG:  The last household chore you did!

Douglas:  Chores are my favorite things in the world! haha Just kidding, the last chore I did was wash the dishes at a friends house. I had volunteered since he had made our group of friends food.

OMG:  The last time you sent a postcard!

Douglas:  The last post card I ever sent was to my younger brother many years ago, I was seven and had never met him in person. I knew he liked X-men so I sent him one with all the characters on it.

OMG:  New Year's Resolution?

Douglas:   My new years resolution would have to be:
-Hitting the Gym consistently
-Making time for my friends and family
-Enjoy life and never lose sight of my goals
-Going back to school and joining a sports team, preferably track or soccer.

OMG:  Is english a prerequisite in joining or winning a pageant like you have won?

Douglas:  English isn't a prerequisite because MMG is made by different people of different backgrounds. Having passion, joy, and personal strength to compete and grow as friends and family IS the real prerequisite. MMG isn't like every pageant where the contestants become friends and help each other out.

OMG:  The things that you did in growing up and will not do it again.

Douglas:  The things I have done growing up would stay in my mind and heart, I know that I will never do them again because those were mistakes. We fall, we learn, we live... you just have to want to pick yourself up from the mistakes. The "want" is what makes you grow as a person and move to (hopefully) in a better path.

OMG:  Do you consider yourself "hot" and is there any secret to being sexy?

Douglas:  Am I hot? To be honest I never considered myself "hot", not being humble or polite in anyway.  What I do believe is that every person IS beautiful, do not let society tell you what is and isn't. You know your best angles, your best assets, use them and have self confidence. Be your pillar of strength! I will say, hitting the gym did wonders to me and helps boost your confidence. I used to be the nerd in class with tape around my glasses and heavy back pack running in the halls. Now look at me... I found who I was, turned my body into my own temple and here I am, as the first MMG winner there ever was.

OMG:  What is your best asset and why?

Douglas:   My best asset physically would have to be my legs, always has been a compliment from both Gay and Straight. That is also how you know someone cares about their body or works out right, when they don't ignore that part because its "too hard" or "don't need it".

My best assets internally as a person would be my heart, mind, and my principles. I have always had compassion for others and I like that about me, I have been told that I would be hurt many times and to be like everyone to avoid it. My answer is no, why be someone else when you are beautiful. My mind because I can really grasps concepts and make the most of a situation, friends, family and complete strangers have walked up to me and asked me for advice because they can see that my experiences are the same or similar to theirs. That makes people relate to you and appreciate your presence. My principles are to love, protect, trust, honor, and value life. These branch out and form who I am as a person, I thank my Family for passing me that culture down to my bloodlines. I am proud to be an Arias.



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Re: An interview with Douglas Arias after winning as Mr. Macho Gay 2012!
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2013, 05:23:15 PM »
nice outfit
life is beautiful!



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Re: An interview with Douglas Arias after winning as Mr. Macho Gay 2012!
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2013, 05:48:22 PM »
deserving to be a winner ..
You had me at my best. She had me at my worst.



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Re: An interview with Douglas Arias after winning as Mr. Macho Gay 2012!
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2013, 04:58:46 AM »
he is a true role model!



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Re: An interview with Douglas Arias after winning as Mr. Macho Gay 2012!
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2013, 09:51:53 PM »
wow. self efnoc lang talaga kailangan
You had me at my best. She had me at my worst.



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Re: An interview with Douglas Arias after winning as Mr. Macho Gay 2012!
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2013, 12:20:15 AM »
wow. self efnoc lang talaga kailangan

yea, and a picture with the winner!



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Re: An interview with Douglas Arias after winning as Mr. Macho Gay 2012!
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2013, 12:48:48 AM »
yea, and a picture with the winner!

o yeah both hot!



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Re: An interview with Douglas Arias after winning as Mr. Macho Gay 2012!
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2013, 12:51:54 AM »
o yeah both hot!

i know the feeling of being a winner because i have won it before!



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Re: An interview with Douglas Arias after winning as Mr. Macho Gay 2012!
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2013, 06:41:59 PM »
yah. u mean, thats my boy?
You had me at my best. She had me at my worst.



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Re: An interview with Douglas Arias after winning as Mr. Macho Gay 2012!
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2013, 07:26:13 PM »
yah. u mean, thats my boy?

yes, bro, you still remember that pa pala?