End Yo-Yo Dieting Forever This Year: Here's How To Keep The Weight Off

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The world and his wife are on a health kick this January.

Sure, some people might be trying to #SayNoToJan, guzzling down booze and pouring sugar over their heads, but most of us are saying no to jam - and other sweet treats.


But wouldn't it be great if this was the last 'diet' you ever had to go on? If, once you reached your target shape, you could just press pause and remain that way?

The binge and bust model might be well tried every Christmas and New Year, but yo-yo dieting is miserable, and it's time to get off the merry go round.

Famous yo-ers Claire Richards and Kirstie Alley are both determined to make their recent weight losses last and Claire appears to have done it this time round, proving that changing your lifestyle really does mean you can look and feel the way you want all year round. Not just for that one lovely week at the beginning of February.

We asked nutritionist Marilyn Glenville, author of Fat Around The Middle for her tips to stay slim and healthy for life, not just for January.

1. Lose it sensibly

The ultimate reason we yo-yo is because we lose weight too quickly, doing dramatic diets and OTT exercise plans that just aren't sustainable for the rest of our lives. If you're going to the gym for an hour five days a week and eschewing all carbs and alcohol - the moment you drop to three times and let yourself have a couple of sandwiches, you're going to see weight go back on.

You do have to put effort into losing weight, so when you're at your target shape, it's tempting just to relax and let it all go south again - but it doesn't have to be hard.

If you lose weight over a longer period of time and in a sustainable way, you'll find that you can ditch the more drastic elements of your diet and fitness regime that helped you lose the extra pounds, and with healthy eating and sensible exercising you will be to stop them returning to your tum.Retrain your brainRetrain your brain

2. Reintroduce foods slowly

It's not realistic or healthy to give up entire food groups forvever. Giving up carbs WILL make you lose weight. But as soon as you start eating them again, you'll put it back on.

The two foods which I would suggest you avoid most of the time are sugar (in any form) and refined carbohydrates. They are not good for you or any of us generally.

In the maintenance stage, you're safe enough re-introducing starchy carbohydrates with your evening meal, so include brown rice, potatoes or pasta if you like. Just make sure you still have a protein (animal or vegetable) with that meal to provide a good balance.

3. Eat protein with everything

Protein takes longer to digest than other types of food, so make sure it's in every meal to keep you feeling full. This simple habit will help banish those cravings that knock you back into the sugary, refined food snacks and back into the yo yo dieting cycle.

Good proteins to think about include white meats, eggs, greek yoghurt, cottage cheese, nuts, tofu and beans.

4. Think 80/20 - Don't ban anything

No one can be good all the time forever. And while you might be able to keep the house empty of cakes and biscuits, you're going to wind up going to a birthday celebration where cake is on offer and you just can't resist.

So just don't use one treat as an excuse to binge all day - turning one 300 calorie mistake into a 2300 calorie mistake just doesn't make sense!

Stick to the 80/20 rule. Eat well 80 per cent of the time, and let yourself have the odd treat. It will satisfy cravings and remind yourself that you're maintaining, not losing.

5. Eat leaves with lunch and dinner

Eating your greens doesn't just fill you up, they give you loads of essential nutrients to keep you healthy and make sure your body processes are all working properly. When everything's in order, you'll have plenty of energy and won't be tempted to reach for the biscuit tin.

Plus, fibre for regularity and fullness. Yes.

6. Have three alcohol-free days a week (in a row!)

If you want to, you could now drink alcohol two or three days a week. All of us should have at least three alcohol-free days a week, as it gives the liver a rest. Generally avoid beer and go for wine or spirits and limit it to two drinks at a time, for your own general health.

7. Exercise is still important

Now you've lost the weight you wanted, you may not need to hit the gym quite so often. But you do still need to exercise. Staying in the habit is easier than letting it go and having to start from the beginning again so aim to do at least one session a week of aerobic and weight training and at least keep active for 30 minutes five times a week.

8. Know your supplements

You don't need to pop pills if you feel well and energised and are eating a good diet. But many of us are depleted and modern food isn't as nutritious as it once was. A high quality multi-vitamin can be good 'insurance' and if you don't eat enough oily fish, add omega-3, or get enough sunshine (most of us) add vitamin D.

If you know you're not getting your RDA from diet, feel lethargic or have any other symptoms you can't explain, visit your doctor for a blood test to work out any specific deficincies that might be thwarting your healthy habits.

Good luck!
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 06:36:13 AM by tricia_nikki »
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Re: End Yo-Yo Dieting Forever This Year: Here's How To Keep The Weight Off
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2015, 08:25:46 PM »
apples are good



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Re: End Yo-Yo Dieting Forever This Year: Here's How To Keep The Weight Off
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2015, 03:10:17 AM »
exercise is very important in our body
OMG fashion lover



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Re: End Yo-Yo Dieting Forever This Year: Here's How To Keep The Weight Off
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2015, 06:26:22 AM »
drink lemon juice



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Re: End Yo-Yo Dieting Forever This Year: Here's How To Keep The Weight Off
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2015, 05:05:15 PM »
kalamansi pa more



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Re: End Yo-Yo Dieting Forever This Year: Here's How To Keep The Weight Off
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2015, 07:15:37 AM »
basta green apples



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Re: End Yo-Yo Dieting Forever This Year: Here's How To Keep The Weight Off
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2015, 04:59:57 PM »
yes, more green apples, the answer to my losing weight rapidly



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Re: End Yo-Yo Dieting Forever This Year: Here's How To Keep The Weight Off
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2016, 11:18:54 PM »
Miss Universe Germany Anne Lorraine Riek eats fruits and veggies



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Re: End Yo-Yo Dieting Forever This Year: Here's How To Keep The Weight Off
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2017, 10:57:25 AM »
Since started eating rice, i gained so much fat and who could not resist some rice if someone brings and offers lechon after a dance gig

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Re: End Yo-Yo Dieting Forever This Year: Here's How To Keep The Weight Off
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2017, 09:51:24 AM »
lahi ra gyud ipares sa rice
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